Update 'local.yaml'

Ariel Antigua 2018-09-06 12:37:26 -04:00
parent 76a90beade
commit b60e5e95e6
1 changed files with 11 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -4,18 +4,21 @@
tasks: tasks:
- name: Installs fail2ban - name: Installs fail2ban
apt: pkg=fail2ban state=installed update_cache=true apt: pkg=fail2ban state=installed update_cache=true
- name: clone repo to target
git: - name: download allow file
repo: gitea@git.aanetworks.org:ariel/playbook-base.git get_url:
version: master url: https://git.aanetworks.org/ariel/playbook-base/src/branch/master/static_files/hosts.allow
dest: /tmp/basefiles dest: /tmp/hosts.allow
accept_hostkey: yes - name: downlod deny file
url: https://git.aanetworks.org/ariel/playbook-base/src/branch/master/static_files/hosts.deny
dest: /tmp/hosts.deny
- name: Hosts file Deny - name: Hosts file Deny
copy: src=/tmp/basefiles/static_files/hosts.deny dest=/etc/hosts.deny copy: src=/tmp/hosts.deny dest=/etc/hosts.deny
- name: Hosts file Allow - name: Hosts file Allow
copy: src=/tmp/basefiles/static_files/hosts.allow dest=/etc/hosts.allow copy: src=/tmp/hosts.allow dest=/etc/hosts.allow
handlers: handlers:
- name: start fail2ban - name: start fail2ban