if (Test-Path C:\PSFunctions.ps1) { . "C:\PSFunctions.ps1" } else { Write-Host "PSFunctions.ps1 not found. Please copy all PowerShell files from B:\Automate to C:\ and rerun Build.ps1" Read-Host "Press to exit" exit } # Start DC configuration process if (Test-Path B:\Automate\automate.ini) { $AdminPWD = "VMware1!" $AdminPWD = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "Adminpwd=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(9) B:\automate\_Common\Autologon administrator lab $AdminPWD } Write-BuildLog "Correct DNS client settings" $wmi = Get-WmiObject win32_networkadapterconfiguration -filter "ipenabled = 'true'" $null = $wmi.SetDNSServerSearchOrder("") Write-BuildLog "Installing 7-zip." try { msiexec /qb /i B:\Automate\_Common\7z920-x64.msi Write-BuildLog "Installation of 7-zip completed." } catch { Write-BuildLog "7-zip installation failed." } Write-BuildLog "" Write-BuildLog "Installing TFTP." Write-BuildLog "Creating C:\TFTP-Root directory." $null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false Write-BuildLog "Creating C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE directory." $null = $null = New-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE" -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false xcopy B:\Automate\DC2\Tftpd64_SE\*.* "C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE\" /s /c /y /q Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE\Tftpd64_SVC.exe" -ArgumentList "-install" -Wait Write-BuildLog "Setting TFTP service startup type and starting it." $null = Set-Service -Name "Tftpd32_svc" -StartupType "Automatic" $null = Start-Service -Name "Tftpd32_svc" Write-BuildLog "Copying B:\Automate\DC2\TFTP-Root\ contents to C:\TFTP-Root." xcopy B:\Automate\DC2\TFTP-Root\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ /s /c /y /q Write-BuildLog "Installation of TFTP completed." Write-BuildLog "" Write-BuildLog "Checking for VMware Tools..." if (Test-Path -Path "B:\VMTools\setup*") { Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools found." $vmtools = $true } else { if (Test-Path "B:\VMTools\windows.iso") { Write-BuildLog "Extracting VMware Tools from ISO." . "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ B:\VMTools\windows.iso >> C:\BuildLog.txt $vmtools = $true } Else {Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools not found on Build share."} Write-BuildLog "" } Write-BuildLog "Checking for vSphere files..." if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi55\*") { if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi55\*.iso") { Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 5.5 installer from ISO." . "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi55\ B:\ESXi55\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt } Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.5 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55 and copying ESXi 5.5 boot files." $null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false xcopy B:\ESXi55\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55 /s /c /y /q Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi55/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\Besx11-55.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\\Besx11-55.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi55/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\Besx12-55.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\\Besx12-55.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi55 Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.5 added to TFTP and PXE menu." Write-BuildLog "" $esxi55 = $true } else { $esxi55 = $false } if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi51\*") { if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi51\*.iso") { Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 5.1 installer from ISO." . "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi51\ B:\ESXi51\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt } Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.1 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51 and copying ESXi 5.1 boot files." $null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false xcopy B:\ESXi51\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51 /s /c /y /q Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx1-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx1-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx2-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx2-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx3-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx3-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx4-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx4-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi51 Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.1 added to TFTP and PXE menu." Write-BuildLog "" $esxi51 = $true } else { $esxi51 = $false } if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi50\*") { if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi50\*.iso") { Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 5.0 installer from ISO." . "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi50\ B:\ESXi50\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt } Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.0 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50 and copying ESXi 5.0 boot files." $null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false xcopy B:\ESXi50\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50 /s /c /y /q Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx1-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx1-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx2-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx2-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx3-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx3-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx4-5.cfg Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx4-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://" powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi50 Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.0 added to TFTP and PXE menu." Write-BuildLog "" $esxi50 = $true } else { $esxi50 = $false } if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi41\*") { if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi41\*.iso") { Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 4.1 installer from ISO." . "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi41\ B:\ESXi41\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt } Write-BuildLog "ESXi 4.1 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 and copying ESXi 4.1 boot files." $null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false xcopy B:\ESXi41\vmkboot.gz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q xcopy B:\ESXi41\vmkernel.gz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q xcopy B:\ESXi41\sys.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q xcopy B:\ESXi41\cim.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q xcopy B:\ESXi41\ienviron.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q xcopy B:\ESXi41\install.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q xcopy B:\ESXi41\mboot.c32 C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi41 Write-BuildLog "ESXi 4.1 added to TFTP and PXE menu." Write-BuildLog "" $esxi41 = $true } else { $esxi41 = $false } if (Test-Path "B:\ESX41\*") { if (Test-Path "B:\ESX41\*.iso") { Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESX 4.1 installer from ISO." . "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESX41\ B:\ESX41\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt } Write-BuildLog "ESX 4.1 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 and copying ESX 4.1 boot files." $null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false xcopy B:\ESX41\isolinux\vmlinuz C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 /s /c /y /q xcopy B:\ESX41\isolinux\initrd.img C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 /s /c /y /q powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESX41 Write-BuildLog "ESX 4.1 added to TFTP and PXE menu." Write-BuildLog "" $esx41 = $true } else { $esx41 = $false } if (!($esx41 -or $esxi41 -or $esxi50 -or $esxi51 -or $esxi55)) { Write-BuildLog "No ESX or ESXi files found." Write-BuildLog "Is the NAS VM running? If so, make sure the Build share is available and populated." Write-BuildLog "Restart this machine when Build share is available; build will proceed after restart." exit } Write-BuildLog "" Write-BuildLog "Authorise and configure DHCP" netsh dhcp add server dc2.lab.local netsh dhcp server add scope "Lab scope" "Scope for lab.local" netsh dhcp server scope add iprange netsh dhcp server scope set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS netsh dhcp server scope set optionvalue 005 IPADDRESS netsh dhcp server scope set optionvalue 006 IPADDRESS netsh dhcp server scope set optionvalue 015 STRING lab.local netsh dhcp server scope set optionvalue 066 STRING netsh dhcp server scope set optionvalue 067 STRING pxelinux.0 netsh dhcp server scope set state 1 Write-BuildLog "" Write-BuildLog "Checking available SQL Express versions." $null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\temp -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false Write-BuildLog "" Write-BuildLog "Checking available SQL Express versions." $null = New-Item -Path C:\temp -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe") { Write-BuildLog "SQL Server Install found, not installing" }Else { if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_55\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") { $vc5SQL = $true Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 for vCenter 5.5 found; installing." copy B:\VIM_55\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp $Arguments = '/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /action=Install /FEATURES=SQL,Tools /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Lab\Domain Admins" /SQLSVCACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" /AGTSVCACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD="VMware1!" /INSTANCENAME=SQLExpress /BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Automatic" /TCPENABLED=1 /NPENABLED=1 /SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE=Automatic /q' Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait del c:\TEMP\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.EXE Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases." Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDBvCD51.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDBvCD15.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait regedit -s B:\Automate\DC2\SQLTCP.reg } elseif (Test-Path "B:\VIM_51\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") { $vc5SQL = $true Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 for vCenter 5.1 found; installing." copy B:\VIM_51\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp $Arguments = '/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /action=Install /FEATURES=SQL,Tools /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Lab\Domain Admins" /SQLSVCACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" /AGTSVCACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD="VMware1!" /INSTANCENAME=SQLExpress /BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Automatic" /TCPENABLED=1 /NPENABLED=1 /SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE=Automatic /q' Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases." Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDBvCD51.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDBvCD15.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait regedit -s B:\Automate\DC2\SQLTCP.reg } elseif (Test-Path "B:\VIM_50\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") { $vc5SQL = $true Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 for vCenter 5.0 found; installing." copy B:\VIM_50\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp $Arguments = '/IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /action=Install /FEATURES=SQL,Tools /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Lab\Domain Admins" /SQLSVCACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" /SQLSVCPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" /AGTSVCACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN /SECURITYMODE=SQL /SAPWD="VMware1!" /INSTANCENAME=SQLExpress /BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Automatic" /TCPENABLED=1 /NPENABLED=1 /SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE=Automatic /q' Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases." Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDBvCD15.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait regedit -s B:\Automate\DC2\SQLTCP.reg } elseif (Test-Path "B:\VIM_41\redist\SQLEXPR\x64\SQLEXPR.EXE") { copy B:\VIM_41\redist\SQLEXPR\x64\SQLEXPR.EXE C:\temp Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2005 Express for vCenter 4.1 found; installing." $Arguments = '/qb INSTANCENAME=SQLExpress ADDLOCAL=ALL SAPWD="VMware1!" SQLACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" SQLPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" AGTACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" AGTPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" SQLBROWSERACCOUNT="Lab\vi-admin" SQLBROWSERPASSWORD="' + $AdminPWD + '" DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0' Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases." Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc2\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC2\MakeDB41.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait; type C:\sqllog.txt | add-content C:\buildlog.txt regedit -s B:\Automate\DC2\SQLTCP.reg } else { $vc5SQL = $false $vc4SQL = $false Write-BuildLog "No SQL Express installers found. Please verify that all contents of vCenter ISO are copied into the correct folder on the Build share." Read-Host "Press to exit" exit } } If (([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -eq 6) -and ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor -lt 2)) { Write-BuildLog "Setup IIS on Windows 2008" Start-Process pkgmgr -ArgumentList '/quiet /l:C:\IIS_Install_Log.txt /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-HttpRedirect;IIS-ApplicationDevelopment;IIS-ASPNET;IIS-NetFxExtensibility;IIS-ASP;IIS-CGI;IIS-ISAPIExtensions;IIS-ISAPIFilter;IIS-ServerSideIncludes;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-HttpTracing;IIS-CustomLogging;IIS-ODBCLogging;IIS-Security;IIS-BasicAuthentication;IIS-WindowsAuthentication;IIS-DigestAuthentication;IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-URLAuthorization;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-IPSecurity;IIS-Performance;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;IIS-ManagementScriptingTools;IIS-ManagementService;IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility;IIS-Metabase;IIS-WMICompatibility;IIS-LegacyScripts;IIS-LegacySnapIn;IIS-FTPPublishingService;IIS-FTPServer;IIS-FTPManagement;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI' -Wait } If (([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -eq 6) -and ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor -ge 2)) { Write-BuildLog "Setup IIS on Windows 2012" import-module servermanager $null = add-windowsfeature web-server -includeallsubfeature -source D:\Sources\sxs Import-Module WebAdministration New-WebBinding -Name "Default Web Site" -IP "*" -Port 443 -Protocol https } if (Test-Path B:\sqlmsssetup.exe) { Rename-Item B:\sqlmsssetup.exe SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe } if (Test-Path B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe) { if ( (!(Get-ChildItem B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion -like "10.50.2500*") -and ($vc5SQL -or $vc4SQL)) { Write-BuildLog "The version of SQL Management Studio on the Build share is incompatible with SQL Server 2008 Express R2 SP1. Please see ReadMe.html on the Build share." } else { Write-BuildLog "SQL Management Studio found; installing." Start-Process B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList "/ACTION=INSTALL /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /FEATURES=Tools /q" -Wait -Verb RunAs } } else { Write-BuildLog "SQL Management Studio not found (optional)."} Write-BuildLog "Make Win32Time authoritative for NTP time." reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config /v AnnounceFlags /t REG_DWORD /d 0x05 /f Write-BuildLog "Cleanup and creating Desktop shortcuts." reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Build /f wscript B:\Automate\DC2\Shortcuts.vbs if (Test-Path B:\Automate\automate.ini) { $timezone = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "TZ=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(3) Write-BuildLog "Setting time zone to $timezone according to automate.ini." tzutil /s "$timezone" } Write-BuildLog "Installing VMware tools, build complete after reboot." Write-BuildLog "(Re)build vCenter next." if ($vmtools) { Start-Process B:\VMTools\setup64.exe -ArgumentList '/s /v "/qn"' -Verb RunAs -Wait Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 } Read-Host "Press to exit"