@echo off echo ************************* echo * echo * Begining Build.cmd as %userdomain%\%username% echo * Begining Build.cmd as %userdomain%\%username% >> c:\buildlog.txt echo * Connect to build share echo * Connect to build share >> c:\buildlog.txt if not exist B:\ net use B: \\\Build if not exist c:\temp\ md c:\temp regedit -s b:\Automate\_Common\ExecuPol.reg regedit -s b:\Automate\_Common\NoSCRNSave.reg regedit -s B:\Automate\_Common\ExplorerView.reg regedit -s b:\Automate\_Common\IExplorer.reg regedit -s b:\Automate\_Common\Nested.reg copy b:\automate\_Common\wasp.dll c:\windows\system32 copy B:\Automate\validate.ps1 C:\ copy B:\Automate\PSFunctions.ps1 C:\ copy B:\Automate\VC\Build.ps1 c:\ copy B:\Automate\VC\Derek-SSL.ps1 c:\ copy B:\automate\_Common\wasp.dll C:\windows\system32 echo * Activate Windows >> c:\buildlog.txt cscript //B "%windir%\system32\slmgr.vbs" /ato echo * Starting PowerShell script for Build echo * Starting PowerShell script for Build >> C:\buildlog.txt powershell c:\Build.ps1