# Creates vCenter 5.5 certificates and related files # Do not use with vCenter 5.1. Run on the vCenter 5.5 server. # # Derek Seaman, VCDX #125, www.derekseaman.com # vSphere 5.5 Install series: vexpert.me/Derek55 # For full instructions see Part 8 & 9 in the vSphere 5.5 install series # Download the latest version from: vexpert.me/toolkit55 # # v1.59 August 9, 2014 # Updated OpenSSL download to 0.9.8.zb # Added check for PowerShell 3.0 (minimum requirement) # # v1.58 July 12, 2014 # Updated OpenSSL download to 0.9.8za # Removed SQL 2012 SP1 client download (link broken) # Fixed Database creation script bug # Added additional error handling and Powershell-ized more commands # Changed the sts.properties file to use sts in the URI per KB2058519 # # v1.57 February 14, 2014 # More robust handling of non-internet connected systems # Removed line continuation characters # # v1.56 January 19, 2014 # Fixed bug when no subordinate CA was present (Thanks Troy) # Changed Microsoft "renewal" default to 0 for root/subordinate # # v1.55 January 12, 2014 # Added additional CA/subordinate error checking # # v1.50 December 22, 2013 # Added ESXi host support # # v1.42 December 3, 2013 # Modified how the certificate hash files are created # Added Authentication Proxy certificate generation # Changed MS CA download parameter to Renewal=1 # # v1.41 November 14, 2013 # Changed the root/intermediate CA download order and added more error checking # # v1.40 November 10, 2013 # Added Auto Deploy, Dump Collector and Syslog collector SSL certs for Windows # Added support for CA approval of submitted requests (Thanks Ryan Bolger) # Added SHA512 request in CSR creation # Ask for vCenter name when selecting Option 3 # # v1.31 Octover 29, 2013 # Bugfix in option #2 where CSRs would fail to create # # v1.3 October 22, 2013 # Added basic support for vCenter Server Appliance cert minting/CSR # Added support for manually entering vCenter FQDN # Changed method of building the automatic vCenter FQDN # # v1.2 October 19, 2013 # Added SQL database script creation # Added vCenter/VUM DSN creation # # v1.1 October 10, 2013 Changes: # Added IP address support for SAN field # Added configurable CA download method (HTTP or HTTPS) # Skips Root/subordinate certificate download if files already exist # # [CmdletBinding()] param() # Directory where the certificate folders will be created. Does not need to exist. $Cert_Dir = "C:\Certs" # Path to your existing Open SSL directory. It may be c:\OpenSSL-Win32, too # If OpenSSL is not located in this directory it will be downloaded and installed $openssldir = "C:\OpenSSL" # Modify these Certificate Details for your environment $Country="NZ" $State="BoP" $City="Tauranga" $org="AutoLab" # If you want the vCenter server IP address included in the certificate set # the value to the appropriate IP. If you don't want an IP, comment out the line. # This applies to Windows vCenter and the vCenter Appliance. $vCenterIP="" # The URLs where your Root and Subordinate CA certificates can be downloaded. # If your CA certificates are not available online or you don't have a subordinate # CA, just comment out the associated lines with a hash. # # If you have an online Microsoft CA running the Web Enrollment role service, # the CA certificate should be downloadable using the following URL: # http(s)://YourCA.domain/certsrv/certnew.cer?ReqID=CACert&Renewal=0&Enc=b64 # # If your have issues with the root certificate downloading, change Renewal=0 # in the body of the code. Or if the tool is downloading an expired certificate, # increase the renewal number until it pulls the current certificate. # # If you CA doesn't have web services or enabled or it's offline, you can download # the root and intermediate CA certs manually and place them in the $Cert_Dir. # Please see Part 9 of my vexpert.me\Derek55 series for details on how to create # the root/intermediate files in the proper format. # $rootCA = "dc.lab.local" #$SubCA = "subca01.contoso.local" # If your CA web enrollment site is not SSL enabled change to HTTP (insecure) # Ignore if you don't have online Microsoft CAs. $CADownload = "http" # Online Microsoft CA name that will issue the certificates. # Ignore if you don't have online Microsoft CAs. $ISSUING_CA = "dc\LabCA" # Your VMware CA certificate template name (not the display name; no spaces) # Ignore if you don't have online Microsoft CAs. $Template = "CertificateTemplate:VMware-SSL" ####### # The magic happens here...don't modify ####### # SSO and vCenter administrator usernames. Should not need to change these. $sso_admin = "administrator@vsphere.local" $vc_admin = "administrator@vsphere.local" $rootcer = "$Cert_Dir\root64.cer" $intermcer = "$Cert_Dir\interm64.cer" $openssl = $openssldir+"\bin\openssl.exe" $ESXUser = "root" $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $wc.UseDefaultCredentials = $true New-Alias -Name OpenSSL $openssl $Script:CertsWaitingForApproval = $false $WServices = @("vCenterServer","vCenterInventoryService","vCenterSSO","VMwareUpdateManager","vCenterWebClient","vCenterLogBrowser","VMwareOrchestrator","AutoDeploy","DumpCollector","SysLogCollector", "AuthenticationProxy") $LServices = @("VMware vCenter Service Certificate","VMware Inventory Service Certificate","VMware LDAP Service Certificate","VMware vCenter VAMI Certificate","vCenter Web Client Service Certificate","VMware Logbrowser Service Certificate","VMware vSphere Autodeploy Service Certificate") # Check for PowerShell 3.0 and higher (required) $PSpath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\3" if(!(Test-Path $PSpath)) { write-host "PowerShell 3.0 or higher required. Please install"; exit } # Download OpenSSL if it's not already installed if (!(Test-Path($openssl))) { Write-Host -Foreground "DarkBlue" -Background "White" "Downloading OpenSSL.." $null = New-Item -Type Directory $openssldir -erroraction silentlycontinue $sslurl = "http://slproweb.com/download/Win32OpenSSL-0_9_8zb.exe" $sslexe = "$env:temp\openssl.exe" $wc.DownloadFile($sslurl,$sslexe) $env:path = $env:path + ";$openssldir" if (!(test-Path($sslexe))) { write-host -Foreground "red" -Background "white" "Could not download or find OpenSSL. Please install OpenSSL 0.9.8y manually."; exit} Write-Host -Foreground "DarkBlue" -Background "White" "Installing OpenSSL.." cmd /c $sslexe /silent /verysilent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes Remove-Item $sslexe } # Create certificate directory if it does not exist if(!(Test-Path $Cert_Dir)) { New-Item $Cert_Dir -Type Directory } # # Functions Begin Here # Function CheckOpenSSL { if (!(Test-Path $openssl)) {throw "Openssl required, unable to download, please install."} } Function WinVCCheck { # Validates Windows vCenter SSO is installed # Sets SSO filesystem path if SSO is installed $ssoregpath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Identity Services" if(!(Test-Path $ssoregpath)) { write-host "SSO 5.5 not installed. Please install it first."; exit } Else { $ssoreg = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $ssoregpath) $Script:ssodir = $ssoreg.InstallPath ; $ssodir= $ssodir -replace ".$" } # Configures JRE keytool alias with path if SSO is installed $JREregpath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware Infrastructure\vJRE" if(!(Test-Path $JREregpath)) { write-host "JRE not installed. Please install SSO 5.5 first."; exit } Else { $JREreg = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $JREregpath) $JREBinDir = $JREreg.InstallPath ; $JREBinDir= $JREBinDir -replace ".$" $keytool = $JREBinDir+"\bin\keytool.exe" New-Alias -Name keytool $keytool -Scope script } } Function VCFQDN { # Construct vCenter server hostname (localhost) and ask for input $Computername = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem $DEFFQDN = "$($computername.name).$($computername.domain)".ToLower() $Script:FQDN = $( Write-Host "Is the vCenter FQDN $DEFFQDN ?" $Input = Read-Host "Press ENTER to accept or input a new vCenter FQDN" If ($input) {$input} else {$DEFFQDN} ) $POS = $FQDN.IndexOf(".") $Script:Shortname = $FQDN.Substring(0, $POS) } Function DownloadRoot { # Download Root CA public certificate, if defined # If the certificate exists (root64.cer) then it won't attempt to download if ($RootCA) { If (!(test-path -Path $rootcer)){ write-host "Downloading root certificate from $rootca ..." $url = "$CADownload"+"://$rootCA/certsrv/certnew.cer?ReqID=CACert&Renewal=0&Enc=b64" $wc.DownloadFile($url,$rootcer) If (!(test-path -Path $rootcer)) {write-host "Root64.cer did not download. Check Root CA variable, CA web services, or manually download root cert and copy to $Cert_Dir\root64.cer. See vExpert.me/Derek55 Part 9 for more details." -foregroundcolor red;exit} Write-host "Root CA download successful." -foregroundcolor yellow } Else { Write-host "Root CA file found, will not download." -ForegroundColor yellow} } $Validation = select-string -simple CERTIFICATE----- $rootcer If (!$Validation) {write-host "Invalid Root certificate format. Validate BASE64 encoding and try again." -foregroundcolor red; exit} } Function DownloadSub { # Download Subordinate CA public certificate, if defined # If the certificate exists (interm64.cer) then it won't attempt to download if ($SubCA) { If (!(test-path -Path $intermcer)){ write-host "Downloading subordinate certificate from $subca ..." $url = "$CADownload"+"://$SubCA/certsrv/certnew.cer?ReqID=CACert&Renewal=1&Enc=b64" $wc.DownloadFile($url,$intermcer) If (!(test-path -Path $intermcer)) {write-host "Interm64.cer did not download. Check Intermediate CA variable, CA web services, or manually download intermediate cert and copy to $Cert_Dir\interm64.cer. See vExpert.me/Derek55 Part 9 for more details." -foregroundcolor red;exit} Write-host "Intermediate CA download successful." -foregroundcolor yellow } Else { Write-host "Intermediate CA file found, will not download." -ForegroundColor yellow} $Validation = select-string -simple CERTIFICATE----- $intermcer If (!$Validation) {write-host "Invalid subordinate certificate format. Validate BASE64 encoding and try again." -foregroundcolor red; exit} } } Function CAHashes{ # Computes CA hash file(s) # Skip if we have pending cert requests if ($Script:CertsWaitingForApproval) { return } # Prompt for Root cert if it's not there yet While (!(Test-Path $rootcer)) { read-host "Please copy the Root CA certificate root64.cer (Base64 encoded) to $rootcer and press Enter to continue" } $roothash = & OpenSSL x509 -subject_hash -noout -in $rootcer $hashdest = $roothash + '.0' copy-item -path $rootcer -Destination $Cert_Dir\$hashdest If (Test-Path $intermcer) { $intermhash = & OpenSSL x509 -subject_hash -noout -in $intermcer $interdest = $intermhash + '.0' Copy-Item -Path $intermcer -Destination $Cert_Dir\$interdest cmd /c copy $intermcer+$rootcer $Cert_Dir\chain.cer } write-host "Root CA hash is $roothash" -foregroundcolor yellow If ($intermhash) { write-host "Intermediate CA hash is $intermhash" -foregroundcolor yellow } } Function CreateCSR { # Create RSA private keys and CSRs # If IP address is defined, add it to the SAN field If ($vCenterIP) { $IP = " IP:$vCenterIP, DNS:$vCenterIP," } $RequestTemplate = "[ req ] default_md = sha512 default_bits = 2048 default_keyfile = rui.key distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name encrypt_key = no prompt = no string_mask = nombstr req_extensions = v3_req [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth subjectAltName = DNS:$ShortName,$IP DNS:$FQDN [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = $Country stateOrProvinceName = $State localityName = $City 0.organizationName = $Org organizationalUnitName = SVCREPLACE commonName = $FQDN " ForEach ($Service in $Services) { Set-Location $Cert_Dir if(!(Test-Path $Service)) { new-Item $Service -Type Directory } Set-Location $Service # Create CSR and private key $Out = $RequestTemplate -replace "SVCREPLACE", $Service | Out-File "$Cert_Dir\$Service\$Service.cfg" -Encoding Default -Force OpenSSL req -new -nodes -out "$Cert_Dir\$Service\$Service.csr" -keyout "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui-orig.key" -config "$Cert_Dir\$Service\$Service.cfg" OpenSSL rsa -in "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui-orig.key" -out "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.key" Remove-Item rui-orig.key } } Function CreateESXCSR { # Create RSA private keys and CSR ForEach ($Service in $Services) { $POS = $Service.IndexOf(".") $Script:Shortname = $Service.Substring(0, $POS) $RequestTemplate = "[ req ] default_md = sha512 default_bits = 2048 default_keyfile = rui.key distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name encrypt_key = no prompt = no string_mask = nombstr req_extensions = v3_req [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth subjectAltName = DNS:$ShortName, DNS:$Service [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = $Country stateOrProvinceName = $State localityName = $City 0.organizationName = $Org commonName = $Service " Set-Location $Cert_Dir if(!(Test-Path $Service)) { new-Item $Service -Type Directory } Set-Location $Service # Create CSR and private key $Out = $RequestTemplate -replace "SVCREPLACE", $Service | Out-File "$Cert_Dir\$Service\$Service.cfg" -Encoding Default -Force OpenSSL req -new -nodes -out "$Cert_Dir\$Service\$Service.csr" -keyout "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui-orig.key" -config "$Cert_Dir\$Service\$Service.cfg" OpenSSL rsa -in "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui-orig.key" -out "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.key" Remove-Item rui-orig.key } } Function OnlineMint { #Mint certificates from online Microsoft CA # initialize objects to use for external processes $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $psi.CreateNoWindow = $true $psi.UseShellExecute = $false $psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $psi.RedirectStandardError = $true $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $process.StartInfo = $psi $certsRequireApproval = $false ForEach ($Service in $Services) { # submit the CSR to the CA $psi.FileName = "certreq.exe" $psi.Arguments = @("-submit -attrib `"$Template`" -config `"$ISSUING_CA`" -f `"$Cert_Dir\$Service\$Service.csr`" `"$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt`"") write-host "Submitting certificate request for $Service" [void]$process.Start() $cmdOut = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() if ($cmdOut.Trim() -like "*request is pending*") { # Output indicates the request requires approval before we can download the signed cert. $Script:CertsWaitingForApproval = $true # So we need to save the request ID to use later once they're approved. $reqID = ([regex]"RequestId: (\d+)").Match($cmdOut).Groups[1].Value if ($reqID.Trim() -eq [String]::Empty) { write-error "Unable to parse RequestId from output." write-debug $cmdOut Exit } write-host "RequestId: $reqID is pending" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Save the request ID to a file that OnlineMintResume can read back in later $reqID | out-file "$Cert_Dir\$Service\requestid.txt" } else { # Output doesn't indicate a pending request, so check for a signed cert file if (!(Test-Path $Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt)) { Write-Error "Certificate request failed or was unable to download the signed certificate." Write-Error "Verify that the ISSUING_CA variable is set correctly." Write-Debug $cmdOut Exit } } } if ($Script:CertsWaitingForApproval) { write-host write-host "One or more certificate requests require manual approval before they can be downloaded." Write-host "Contact your CA administrator to approve the request IDs listed above." write-host "To resume use Option 3 for Windows vCenter, 9 for vCenter Appliance or 13 for ESXi Hosts" } } Function OnlineMintResume { #Resume the minting process for certificates from online Microsoft CA that required approval # initialize objects to use for external processes $psi = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo $psi.CreateNoWindow = $true $psi.UseShellExecute = $false $psi.RedirectStandardOutput = $true $psi.RedirectStandardError = $true $process = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process $process.StartInfo = $psi ForEach ($Service in $Services) { # skip if there's no requestid.txt file if (!(Test-Path "$Cert_Dir\$Service\requestid.txt")) { continue } $reqID = Get-Content "$Cert_Dir\$Service\requestid.txt" write-verbose "Found RequestId: $reqID for $Service" # retrieve the signed certificate $psi.FileName = "certreq.exe" $psi.Arguments = @("-retrieve -f -config `"$ISSUING_CA`" $reqID `"$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt`"") write-host "Downloading the signed $Service certificate" [void]$process.Start() $cmdOut = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() if (!(test-path "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt")) { # it's not there, so check if the request is still pending if ($cmdOut.Trim() -like "*request is pending*") { $Script:CertsWaitingForApproval = $true write-host "RequestId: $reqID is pending" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { write-warning "There was a problem downloading the signed certificate" write-warning $cmdOut continue } } } if ($Script:CertsWaitingForApproval) { write-host write-host "One or more certificate requests require manual approval before they can be downloaded." Write-host "Contact your CA administrator to approve the request IDs listed above." write-host "To resume use Option 3 for Windows vCenter, 9 for vCenter Appliance or 13 for ESXi Hosts" } } Function CreatePEMFiles { # Create PEM files and JKS keystore. Rui.crt files must exist for all services. # Skip if we have pending cert requests if ($Script:CertsWaitingForApproval) { return; } if (Test-Path $Cert_Dir\chain.cer) { $chaincer = "$Cert_Dir\chain.cer" } Else { $chaincer = "$Cert_Dir\root64.cer" } ForEach ($Service in $WServices) { if (!(test-path $Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt)) { Write-host "$Service rui.crt file not found. Skipping PEM creation. Please correct and re-run." -ForegroundColor Red continue; } elseif ($Service -eq "vCenterSSO") { OpenSSL pkcs12 -export -in "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt" -inkey "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.key" -certfile "$Chaincer" -name "ssoserver" -passout pass:changeme -out "$Cert_Dir\$Service\ssoserver.p12" if (test-path $Cert_Dir\$Service\root-trust.jks) {remove-item $Cert_Dir\$Service\root-trust.jks} keytool -v -importkeystore -srckeystore $Cert_Dir\$Service\ssoserver.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass changeme -srcalias ssoserver -destkeystore $Cert_Dir\$Service\root-trust.jks -deststoretype JKS -deststorepass testpassword -destkeypass testpassword keytool -v -importcert -noprompt -keystore $Cert_Dir\$Service\root-trust.jks -deststoretype JKS -storepass testpassword -keypass testpassword -file $rootcer -alias root-ca Copy-Item -Path $Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.key -Destination $Cert_Dir\$Service\ssoserver.key if (test-path -path $intermcer){ keytool -v -importcert -noprompt -trustcacerts -keystore $Cert_Dir\$Service\root-trust.jks -deststoretype JKS -storepass testpassword -keypass testpassword -file $intermcer -alias intermediate-$intermhash.0 } Copy-Item -Path $Cert_Dir\$Service\root-trust.jks -Destination $Cert_Dir\$Service\server-identity.jks cmd /c copy $Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt+$chaincer $Cert_Dir\$Service\chain.pem Copy-Item -Path $Cert_Dir\$Service\chain.pem -Destination $Cert_Dir\$Service\ssoserver.crt } else { OpenSSL pkcs12 -export -in "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt" -inkey "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.key" -certfile "$Chaincer" -name "rui" -passout pass:testpassword -out "$Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.pfx" $RUI = get-content $Cert_Dir\$Service\rui.crt $ChainCont = get-content $chaincer -encoding default $RUI + $ChainCont | out-file $Cert_Dir\$Service\chain.pem -Encoding default } Set-Location $Cert_Dir } } Function CreateSSOFiles { # Create the three SSO properties files, needed to replace SSO certificates # Skip if we have pending cert requests if ($Script:CertsWaitingForApproval) { return } $LookupServiceURL = 'https://' + $FQDN + ':7444/lookupservice/sdk' $SSOServices = @("gc","admin","sts") if (Test-Path $Cert_Dir\chain.cer) { $SSLCert = "$Cert_Dir\chain.cer" } Else { $SSLCert = "$Cert_Dir\root64.cer" } ForEach ($SSOService in $SSOServices) { if ($SSOService -eq "gc") { $SSOFriendly = "The group check interface of the SSO server" $SSOType = "groupcheck" $SSODescription = "The group check interface of the SSO server" $SSOProtocol = "vmomi" $SVCURI = "sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local" } if ($SSOService -eq "admin") { $SSOFriendly = "The administrative interface of the SSO server" $SSOType = "admin" $SSODescription = "The administrative interface of the SSO server" $SSOProtocol = "vmomi" $SVCURI = "sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local" } if ($SSOService -eq "sts") { $SSOFriendly = "STS for Single Sign On" $SSOType = "sts" $SSODescription = "The Security Token Service of the Single Sign On server." $SSOProtocol = "wsTrust" $SVCURI = "sts/STSService/vsphere.local" } $SSOTemplate = "[service] friendlyName=$SSOFriendly version=1.5 ownerId= productId=product:sso type=urn:sso:$SSOType description=$SSODescription [endpoint0] uri=https://FQDN:7444/$SVCURI ssl=$SSLCert protocol=$SSOProtocol " $Out = $SSOTemplate -replace "FQDN", $FQDN | Out-File "$Cert_Dir\vCenterSSO\$SSOService.properties" -Encoding Default -Force } # Create the three SSO ID files write-host "Connecting to Lookup Service..." $output = &"$ssodir\ssolscli.cmd" listServices "$lookupServiceURL" foreach ($line in $output) { if ($line.StartsWith("Service ")) { $linenum = ($output | Select-String $line).LineNumber if ($linenum -is [int32]) { $serviceId = $output | Select-Object -Index ($linenum+1) $type = $output | Select-Object -Index ($linenum+3) if ($type -like '*sts*') { $serviceidfilename = "$Cert_Dir\vCenterSSO\sts_id" Set-Content $serviceidfilename $serviceid.TrimStart("serviceId=") write-host "Created sts files..." } elseif ($type -like '*admin*') { $serviceidfilename = "$Cert_Dir\vCenterSSO\admin_id" Set-Content $serviceidfilename $serviceid.TrimStart("serviceId=") write-host "Created admin files..." } elseif ($type -like '*group*') { $serviceidfilename = "$Cert_Dir\vCenterSSO\gc_id" Set-Content $serviceidfilename $serviceid.TrimStart("serviceId=") write-host "Created groupcheck files..." } } } } If(!(Test-Path "$Cert_Dir\vCenterSSO\gc_id")) { Write-host "Unable to connect to Lookup service at $lookupserviceurl. " -ForegroundColor Red } } Function CreateBat { # Create batch template file for VMware vCenter certificate automation tool $BatchTemplate = " @echo off set sso_cert_chain=$Cert_Dir\vCenterSSO\chain.pem set sso_private_key=$Cert_Dir\vCenterSSO\ssoserver.key set sso_node_type=single set is_cert_chain=$Cert_Dir\vCenterInventoryService\chain.pem set is_private_key_new=$Cert_Dir\vCenterInventoryService\rui.key set vc_cert_chain=$Cert_Dir\vCenterServer\chain.pem set vc_private_key=$Cert_Dir\vCenterServer\rui.key set ngc_cert_chain=$Cert_Dir\vCenterWebClient\chain.pem set ngc_private_key=$Cert_Dir\vCenterWebClient\rui.key set logbrowser_cert_chain=$Cert_Dir\vCenterLogBrowser\chain.pem set logbrowser_private_key=$Cert_Dir\vCenterLogBrowser\rui.key set vco_cert_chain=$Cert_Dir\VMwareOrchestrator\chain.pem set vco_private_key=$Cert_Dir\VMwareOrchestrator\rui.key set vum_cert_chain=$Cert_Dir\VMwareUpdateManager\chain.pem set vum_private_key=$Cert_Dir\VMwareUpdateManager\rui.key set sso_admin_user=$sso_admin set vc_username=$vc_admin set last_error= set ROLLBACK_BACKUP_FOLDER=%~dp0backup set LOGS_FOLDER=%~dp0logs set CSR_OUTPUT_FOLDER=%~dp0requests " $Out = $BatchTemplate | Out-File "$Cert_Dir\ssl-environment.bat" -Encoding Default -Force Write-host "Batch file written to $Cert_Dir. Copy over VMware tool file." -ForegroundColor Yellow } Function SQLDB { # Creates a generic SQL database creation script. $VCDB = Read-Host "Enter vCenter Database Name" $VUMDB = Read-Host "Enter VUM Database Name" $Account = Read-Host "Enter vCenter service account (domain\account)" $SQLTemplate = " /* Creates vCenter server and VUM databases. */ /* Change login name to vCenter service account */ /* Modify paths, DB, log sizes as needed */ EXEC('CREATE LOGIN [$Account]FROM WINDOWS') USE MSDB EXEC sp_grantdbaccess ""$Account"" EXEC sp_addrolemember db_owner, ""$Account"" USE master create database ""$VCDB"" on ( name = '$VCDB', filename = 'F:\SQLData1\$VCDB.mdf', size = 4096MB, filegrowth = 512MB ) log on ( name = '$VCDB log', filename = 'F:\SQLLogs1\$VCDB.ldf', size = 384MB, filegrowth = 128MB ) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS; create database ""$VUMDB"" on ( name = '$VUMDB', filename = 'F:\SQLData1\$VUMDB.mdf', size = 1024MB, filegrowth = 128MB ) log on ( name = '$VUMDB log', filename = 'F:\SQLLogs1\$VUMDB.ldf', size = 256MB, filegrowth = 64MB ) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS; EXEC('ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::""$VCDB"" TO [$Account]') EXEC('ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::""$VUMDB"" TO [$Account]') GO " $Out = $SQLTemplate | Out-File "$Cert_Dir\vCenter-VUM-DB.sql" -Encoding Default -Force Write-host "vCenter-VUM-DB.sql written to $Cert_Dir. Modify and run in SQL Manager Studio." -ForegroundColor Yellow } Function VCDSN { $SQLServer = Read-Host "Enter SQL server FQDN" $DBName = Read-Host "Enter vCenter Database Name" $Version = Read-Host "What version of SQL server? (2008 or 2012)" $Encrypt = Read-Host "Do you want SQL SSL encryption? (yes or no)" $HKLMPath1 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\" + $DBName $HKLMPath2 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources" md $HKLMPath1 -ErrorAction silentlycontinue set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Description -value $DBName set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Server -value $SQLServer set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name LastUser -value "Administrator" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Trusted_Connection -value "Yes" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Encrypt -value $Encrypt set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Database -value $DBName md $HKLMPath2 -ErrorAction silentlycontinue if ($version -eq 2008) { set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath2 -name "$DBName" -value "SQL Server Native Client 10.0" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Driver -value "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli10.dll" If(!(test-path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli10.dll")) { Write-Host -Foreground "DarkBlue" -Background "White" "Downloading SQL 2008 R2 SP2 Native Client.." $SQLurl = "http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/7/B/F7B7A246-6B35-40E9-8509-72D2F8D63B80/sqlncli_amd64.msi" $SQLexe = "$env:temp\sqlncli.msi" $wc.DownloadFile($SQLurl,$SQLexe) $env:path = $env:path + ";$SQLdir" Write-Host -Foreground "DarkBlue" -Background "White" "Installing SQL 2008 R2 SP2 native client..." cmd /c msiexec /i $SQLexe /qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES Remove-Item $SQLexe } } Else { set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath2 -name "$DBName" -value "SQL Server Native Client 11.0" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Driver -value "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli11.dll" If(!(test-path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli11.dll")) { Write-Host -Foreground "DarkBlue" -Background "White" "Download and install ENU\x64\sqlncli.msi from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35580" } } } Function VUMDSN { $SQLServer = Read-Host "Enter SQL server FQDN" $DBName = Read-Host "Enter VUM Database Name" $Version = Read-Host "What version of SQL server? (2008 or 2012)" $Encrypt = Read-Host "Do you want SQL SSL encryption? (yes or no)" $HKLMPath1 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ODBC\ODBC.INI\" + $DBName $HKLMPath2 = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources" md $HKLMPath1 -ErrorAction silentlycontinue set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Description -value $DBName set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Server -value $SQLServer set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name LastUser -value "Administrator" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Trusted_Connection -value "Yes" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Encrypt -value $Encrypt set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Database -value $DBName md $HKLMPath2 -ErrorAction silentlycontinue if ($version -eq 2008) { set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath2 -name "$DBName" -value "SQL Server Native Client 10.0" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Driver -value "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli10.dll" If(!(test-path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli10.dll")) {Write-host "Don't forget to install the SQL 2008 client." -ForegroundColor Yellow} } Else { set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath2 -name "$DBName" -value "SQL Server Native Client 11.0" set-itemproperty -path $HKLMPath1 -name Driver -value "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli11.dll" If(!(test-path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\sqlncli11.dll")) {Write-host "Don't forget to install the SQL 2012 client." -ForegroundColor Yellow} } } Function GetESXHost { # Construct ESXi Hostname [int]$xMenuChoiceA = 0 while ( $xMenuChoiceA -lt 1 -or $xMenuChoiceA -gt 3 ){ Write-host "" Write-host "Note: If you are resuming a manual/offline request, enter the same" Write-host "hostname(s) or CSV file as the original request." Write-host "" Write-host "1. Manually enter ESXi host(s)" Write-host "2. Read ESXi hosts from CSV file" Write-host "3. Quit" [Int]$xMenuChoiceA = read-host "Please enter an option 1 to 3" } Write-Host Switch( $xMenuChoiceA ){ 1{ESXHost} 2{ESXCSV} 3{Exit} default{Exit} } } Function ESXHost { $Script:Services = (Read-Host "Enter each ESXi FQDN (separate with comma)").split(',') | % {$_.trim()} } Function ESXCSV { # Reads CSV input file of ESXi FQDNs $CSVFile = Read-Host "Full path to CSV file"; If ( !(Test-Path $CSVFile) ) { Write-Host "$CSVfile not found" -ForegroundColor Red ESXCSV } else { $Script:Services = get-content $CSVFile } } Function getWebClient { # Used for PUTing SSL Certificates on ESXi host $Provider=New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider $Compiler=$Provider.CreateCompiler() $Params=New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters $Params.GenerateExecutable=$False $Params.GenerateInMemory=$True $Params.IncludeDebugInformation=$False $Params.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.DLL") | out-null $TASource=@' namespace Com.Marchview.Net.CertificatePolicy { public class TrustAll : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy { public TrustAll() { } public bool CheckValidationResult(System.Net.ServicePoint sp, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, System.Net.WebRequest req, int problem) { return true; } } } '@ $TAResults=$Provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($Params,$TASource) $TAAssembly=$TAResults.CompiledAssembly # We now create an instance of the TrustAll and attach it to the ServicePointManager $TrustAll=$TAAssembly.CreateInstance("Com.Marchview.Net.CertificatePolicy.TrustAll") [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy=$TrustAll $WCSource=@' namespace Com.Marchview.Net { class WebClient : System.Net.WebClient { protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(System.Uri uri) { System.Net.WebRequest webRequest = base.GetWebRequest(uri); webRequest.PreAuthenticate = true; webRequest.Timeout = 10000; return webRequest; } } } '@ $WCResults=$Provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($Params,$WCSource) $WCAssembly=$WCResults.CompiledAssembly $WebClient=$WCAssembly.CreateInstance("Com.Marchview.Net.WebClient") $WebClient } Function GetCredential { # Used for PUTing SSL Certificates on ESXi host param( [String]$UserName, $Password ) $CredentialCache=New-Object System.Net.CredentialCache if ($Password.getType().FullName -eq "System.Security.SecureString") { $Credential=New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($UserName, [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto( [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password))) } else { $Credential=New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($UserName,$Password) } $Credential } Function getCredentialCache { # Used for PUTing SSL Certificates on ESXi host param( [String]$URIName, [System.Net.NetworkCredential]$Credential ) $CredentialCache=New-Object System.Net.CredentialCache $URI=New-Object System.URI($URIName) $CredentialCache.Add($URI,"Basic",$Credential) $CredentialCache } Function UploadESXCert { if ($Script:CertsWaitingForApproval) {EXIT} ForEach ($Service in $Services) { # Get password for root account or read from file $ESXPassFile = $ESXUser + "-credentials" $ESXPassFile = "$Cert_Dir\$ESXPassFile" If ( !(Test-Path $ESXPassFile) ) { Write-Host "No credentials found for " $ESXUser $Prompt = "Please enter the password for " + $ESXUser Read-Host -prompt $Prompt -assecurestring | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $ESXPassFile } $ESXPassword = Get-Content $ESXPassFile| ConvertTo-SecureString # Set directories $ESXCertFile = "$Cert_Dir\$Service" + "\" + "rui.crt" $ESXKeyFile = "$Cert_Dir\$Service" + "\" + "rui.key" # Check if SSL certificate and key exist If (-not (Test-Path ($ESXKeyFile))) { "ERROR: Failed to locate the SSL key file at $Cert_Dir\$Service" exit } If (-not (Test-Path ($ESXCertFile))) { "ERROR: Failed to locate the SSL crt file at $Cert_Dir\$Service" exit } # Set URLs $ESXiURL = "https://" + $Service # Create WebClient for uploading the SSL certificate / key $WebClient=getWebClient $HostCredential=getCredential $ESXUser $ESXPassword $HostCredentialCache=getCredentialCache $ESXiURL $HostCredential $WebClient.Credentials=$HostCredentialCache # Upload SSL keys Try { $WebClient.UploadFile(($ESXiURL + "/host/ssl_key"),"PUT",$ESXKeyFile) $WebClient.UploadFile(($ESXiURL + "/host/ssl_cert"),"PUT", $ESXCertFile) } Catch { $UploadError = $_.Exception.Message write-host "Upload error occurred for $Service. Check hostname and credentials." -ForegroundColor Red write-host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red } if (!$UploadError) {write-host "Certificates uploaded to $Service" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } ### Main ### [int]$xMenuChoiceA = 0 while ( $xMenuChoiceA -lt 1 -or $xMenuChoiceA -gt 14 ){ Write-host "" Write-host "Welcome to the vCenter 5.5 Toolkit" -foregroundcolor Yellow Write-host "Derek Seaman, VCDX #125, derekseaman.com" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host "vSphere 5.5 series: vexpert.me\Derek55" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host "Use at your own risk; no warranty implied or stated" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-host "" Write-host "Windows vCenter only:" Write-host "" Write-host "1. Mint vCenter SSL certs with an online Microsoft CA" Write-host "2. Create vCenter CSRs for an offline or non-Microsoft CA" Write-host "3. Process manually downloaded certificates or resume a pending online request" Write-host "4. Create vCenter Certificate Automation Batch file" Write-host "5. Create vCenter and VUM SQL database file" Write-host "6. Create vCenter DSN" Write-host "7. Create VUM DSN" write-host "" Write-host "Linux vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) only:" Write-host "" Write-host "8. Mint VCSA SSL certs with an online Microsoft CA" Write-host "9. Resume a pending online Microsoft CA request" Write-host "10. Create VCSA CSRs for an offline or non-Microsoft CA" Write-host "" Write-host "ESXi Hosts" Write-host "" Write-host "11. Mint ESXi SSL certificate with an online Microsoft CA" Write-host "12. Create ESXi CSRs for an offline or non-Microsoft CA" Write-host "13. Install manually downloaded certificates or resume a pending online request" Write-host "" Write-host "14. Quit" [Int]$xMenuChoiceA = read-host "Please enter an option 1 to 14" } Write-Host Switch( $xMenuChoiceA ){ 1{$Script:Services = $WServices; CheckOpenSSL; WinVCCheck; DownloadRoot; DownloadSub; VCFQDN; CreateCSR; OnlineMint; CAHashes; CreatePEMFiles; CreateSSOFiles} 2{$Script:Services = $WServices; CheckOpenSSL; WinVCCheck; VCFQDN; CreateCSR} 3{$Script:Services = $WServices; CheckOpenSSL; WinVCCheck; DownloadRoot; DownloadSub; VCFQDN; OnlineMintResume; CAHashes; CreatePemFiles; CreateSSOFiles} 4{CreateBat} 5{SQLDB} 6{VCDSN} 7{VUMDSN} 8{$Script:Services = $LServices; CheckOpenSSL; VCFQDN; DownloadRoot; DownloadSub; CreateCSR; OnlineMint } 9{$Script:Services = $LServices; CheckOpenSSL; VCFQDN; DownloadRoot; DownloadSub; OnlineMintResume} 10{$Script:Services = $LServices; CheckOpenSSL; VCFQDN; CreateCSR} 11 {CheckOpenSSL; GetESXHost; CreateESXCSR; OnlineMint; UploadESXCert} 12 {CheckOpenSSL; GetESXHost; CreateESXCSR} 13 {CheckOpenSSL; GetESXHost; OnlineMintResume; UploadESXCert} 14{Exit} default{Exit} }