@echo off cls echo * echo * Resetting and upgrading DC configuration echo * This is a best effort script, there will be error messages and warnings echo * echo * VC will require a rebuild echo * echo * This script must be "Run as Administrator" echo * pause echo * Running AutoLab Upgrade/Reset script >> c:\buildlog.txt if exist C:\validate.ps1 del c:\validate.ps1 if exist C:\PSFunctions.ps1 del c:\PSFunctions.ps1 if exist C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 del c:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 if exist C:\phase2.ps1 del c:\phase2.ps1 net use B: \\\Build copy B:\Automate\validate.ps1 C:\ copy B:\Automate\PSFunctions.ps1 C:\ copy B:\Automate\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 C:\ copy B:\Automate\DC\Phase2.ps1 C:\ powershell c:\Phase2.ps1 if exist C:\phase2.ps1 del c:\phase2.ps1