
766 lines
47 KiB
Raw Normal View History

if (Test-Path C:\PSFunctions.ps1) {
. "C:\PSFunctions.ps1"
} else {
Write-Host "PSFunctions.ps1 not found. Please copy all PowerShell files from B:\Automate to C:\ and rerun Build.ps1"
Read-Host "Press <Enter> to exit"
if((get-process "dcpromo" -ea SilentlyContinue) -ne $Null){
write-buildlog "DCPromo still in progress, closing"
Try {
Get-ADDomainController -Discover -ea SilentlyContinue
} catch {
write-buildlog "Not yet a domain controller, DCPromo"
#Install-Windowsfeature AD-Domain-Services,DNS -IncludeManagementTools
$null = Add-WindowsFeature -name ad-domain-services -IncludeManagementTools
$safemodeadminpwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "VMware1!" -asplaintext -force
Write-buildlog "Install-ADDSForest"
$null = Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "lab.local" -ForestMode Win2008R2 -DomainMode Win2008R2 -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $safemodeadminpwd -Force
write-buildlog "Starting Phase2.ps1"
$a = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$a.WindowTitle = "DC Build Automation"
$b = $a.WindowSize
$b.Height = $a.MaxWindowSize.Height - 1
$a.WindowSize = $b
Import-Module C:\windows\system32\WASP.dll
Select-Window -Title "DC Build Automation" | set-windowposition -left 75 -top 3
# Start DC configuration process
if (Test-Path B:\Automate\automate.ini) {
$KMSIP = ""
$KMSIP = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "KMSIP=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(6)
$AdminPWD = "VMware1!"
$AdminPWD = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "Adminpwd=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(9)
Write-BuildLog "Setup Users"
NET ACCOUNTS /MAXPWAGE:UNLIMITED >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net group "Domain Admins" vi-admin /add >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net user SVC_SRM $AdminPWD /add /Domain >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net group "Domain Admins" SVC_SRM /add >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net group "ESX Admins" /add >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net group "ESX Admins" vi-admin /add >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net user DomUser $AdminPWD /add /domain >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net user vi-admin $AdminPWD >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net user JoinUser VMware1! /add /domain >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net group "DHCP Administrators" /add >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
net group "DHCP Users" /add >> C:\AD-Users.log 2>> C:\Error.log
dsadd OU "ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd OU "ou=Users,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd OU "ou=Groups,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd Group "cn=Lab Staff,ou=Groups,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local" -desc "All staff of the LAB"
dsadd OU "ou=Servers,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd OU "ou=Workstationsou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd user "cn=grace,ou=Users,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local" -disabled no -pwd $AdminPWD -upn grace@lab.local -fn Grace -ln Hopper -display "Grace Hopper" -email grace@lab.local -memberof "cn=Lab Staff,ou=Groups,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd user "cn=ada,ou=Users,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local" -disabled no -pwd $AdminPWD -upn ada@lab.local -fn Ada -ln Lovelace -display "Ada Lovelace" -email ada@lab.local -memberof "cn=Lab Staff,ou=Groups,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd user "cn=alan,ou=Users,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local" -disabled no -pwd $AdminPWD -upn alan@lab.local -fn Alan -ln Turing -display "Alan Turing" -email alan@lab.local -memberof "cn=Lab Staff,ou=Groups,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
dsadd user "cn=charles,ou=Users,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local" -disabled no -pwd $AdminPWD -upn charles@lab.local -fn Charles -ln Babbage -display "Charles Babbage" -email charles@lab.local -memberof "cn=Lab Staff,ou=Groups,ou=LAB,DC=lab,DC=local"
Write-BuildLog "Change default local administrator password"
net user administrator $AdminPWD
B:\automate\_Common\Autologon administrator lab $AdminPWD
$emailto = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "emailto=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(8)
$SmtpServer = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "SmtpServer=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(11)
} Else {
Write-BuildLog "Cannot find Automate.ini, this isn't a good sign"
Write-BuildLog "Installing 7-zip."
try {
msiexec /qb /i B:\Automate\_Common\7z1805-x64.msi
Write-BuildLog "Installation of 7-zip completed."
catch {
Write-BuildLog "7-zip installation failed."
if (Test-Path "b:\VMware-PowerCLI.exe") {
$PowCLIver = (Get-ChildItem B:\VMware-PowerCLI.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion.trim()
if ($PowCLIver -eq "") {$PowCLIver = "5.0.0-3501"}
Rename-Item B:\VMware-PowerCLI.exe B:\VMware-PowerCLI-$PowCLIver.exe
if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE\Tftpd64_SVC.exe") {
Write-BuildLog "Found TFTP, not installing."
}Else {
Write-BuildLog "Installing TFTP."
Write-BuildLog "Creating C:\TFTP-Root directory."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
Write-BuildLog "Creating C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE directory."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE" -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\Automate\DC\Tftpd64_SE\*.* "C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE\" /s /c /y /q
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Tftpd64_SE\Tftpd64_SVC.exe" -ArgumentList "-install" -Wait
Write-BuildLog "Setting TFTP service startup type and starting it."
$null = Set-Service -Name "Tftpd32_svc" -StartupType "Automatic"
$null = Start-Service -Name "Tftpd32_svc"
Write-BuildLog "Copying B:\Automate\DC\TFTP-Root\ contents to C:\TFTP-Root."
xcopy B:\Automate\DC\TFTP-Root\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ /s /c /y /q
Write-BuildLog "Installation of TFTP completed."
Write-BuildLog "Set root password for ESXi builds"
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx1-4.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx1-4.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx1-5.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx1-5.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx2-4.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx2-4.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx2-4c.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx2-4c.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx2-5.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx2-5.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx3-5.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx3-5.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx4-5.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx4-5.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx11-5.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx11-5.cfg
$TempContent = Get-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx12-5.cfg |%{$_ -replace "VMware1!",$AdminPWD}
$TempContent | Set-Content B:\Automate\Hosts\esx12-5.cfg
Write-BuildLog "Checking for vSphere files..."
if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi67\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESXi67\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESXi67\BOOT.CFG") ){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 6.7 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi67\ B:\ESXi67\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 6.7 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67 and copying ESXi 67 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESXi67\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\ /s /c /y /q
xcopy b:\automate\DC\mboot.c32 C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\ /y /q
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi67/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx1-67.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx1-67.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi67/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx2-67.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx2-67.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi67/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx3-67.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx3-67.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi67/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx4-67.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\Besx4-67.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi67/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi67\BOOTM.CFG
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi67
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 6.7 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esxi67 = $true
} else {
$esxi67 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi65\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESXi65\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESXi65\BOOT.CFG") ){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 6.5 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi65\ B:\ESXi65\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 6.5 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65 and copying ESXi 65 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESXi65\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\ /s /c /y /q
xcopy b:\automate\DC\mboot.c32 C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\ /y /q
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi65/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx1-65.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx1-65.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi65/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx2-65.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx2-65.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi65/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx3-65.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx3-65.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi65/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx4-65.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\Besx4-65.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi65/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi65\BOOTM.CFG
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi65
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 6.5 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esxi65 = $true
} else {
$esxi65 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi60\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESXi60\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESXi60\BOOT.CFG") ){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 6.0 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi60\ B:\ESXi60\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 6.0 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60 and copying ESXi 6.0 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESXi60\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60 /s /c /y /q
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi60/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\Besx1-60.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\\Besx1-60.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi60/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\Besx2-60.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\\Besx2-60.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi60/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\Besx3-60.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\Besx3-60.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi60/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\Besx4-60.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\\Besx4-60.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi60/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi60\BOOTM.CFG
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi60
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 6.0 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esxi60 = $true
} else {
$esxi60 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi55\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESXi55\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG") ){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 5.5 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi55\ B:\ESXi55\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.5 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55 and copying ESXi 5.5 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESXi55\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55 /s /c /y /q
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi55/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\Besx1-55.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\\Besx1-55.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi55/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\Besx2-55.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\\Besx2-55.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi55/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\Besx3-55.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\Besx3-55.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi55/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\Besx4-55.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\\Besx4-55.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi55/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi55\BOOTM.CFG
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi55
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.5 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esxi55 = $true
} else {
$esxi55 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi51\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESXi51\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG") ) {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 5.1 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi51\ B:\ESXi51\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.1 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51 and copying ESXi 5.1 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESXi51\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51 /s /c /y /q
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx1-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx1-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx2-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx2-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx3-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx3-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx4-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\Besx4-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi51/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi51\BOOTM.CFG
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi51
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.1 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esxi51 = $true
} else {
$esxi51 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi50\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESXi50\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG") ) {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 5.0 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi50\ B:\ESXi50\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.0 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50 and copying ESXi 5.0 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESXi50\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50 /s /c /y /q
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx1-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx1-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx2-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx2-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx3-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx3-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx4-5.cfg
Add-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\Besx4-5.cfg "kernelopt=ks=nfs://"
Get-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOT.CFG | %{$_ -replace "/","/ESXi50/"} | Set-Content C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi50\BOOTM.CFG
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi50
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 5.0 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esxi50 = $true
} else {
$esxi50 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\ESXi41\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESXi41\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESXi41\BOOT.CAT") ) {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESXi 4.1 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESXi41\ B:\ESXi41\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 4.1 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 and copying ESXi 4.1 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESXi41\vmkboot.gz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q
xcopy B:\ESXi41\vmkernel.gz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q
xcopy B:\ESXi41\sys.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q
xcopy B:\ESXi41\cim.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q
xcopy B:\ESXi41\ienviron.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q
xcopy B:\ESXi41\install.vgz C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q
xcopy B:\ESXi41\mboot.c32 C:\TFTP-Root\ESXi41 /s /c /y /q
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESXi41
Write-BuildLog "ESXi 4.1 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esxi41 = $true
} else {
$esxi41 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\ESX41\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\ESX41\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\ESX41\packages.xml") ) {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting ESX 4.1 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\ESX41\ B:\ESX41\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "ESX 4.1 found; creating C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 and copying ESX 4.1 boot files."
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\ESX41\isolinux\vmlinuz C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 /s /c /y /q
xcopy B:\ESX41\isolinux\initrd.img C:\TFTP-Root\ESX41 /s /c /y /q
powershell C:\PXEMenuConfig.ps1 ESX41
Write-BuildLog "ESX 4.1 added to TFTP and PXE menu."
$esx41 = $true
} else {
$esx41 = $false
if (!($esx41 -or $esxi41 -or $esxi50 -or $esxi51 -or $esxi55 -or $esxi60 -or $esxi65 -or $esxi67)) {
Write-BuildLog "No ESX or ESXi files found."
Write-BuildLog "Is the NAS VM running? If so, make sure the Build share is available and populated."
Write-BuildLog "Restart this machine when Build share is available; build will proceed after restart."
if (Test-Path "B:\gParted\*") {
Write-BuildLog "Adding gParted to PXE build"
$null = $null = New-Item -Path C:\TFTP-Root\gParted -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
xcopy B:\gParted\*.* C:\TFTP-Root\gParted /s /c /y /q
Add-Content -Path "C:\TFTP-Root\pxelinux.cfg\default" -Value @"
LABEL gParted
MENU LABEL gParted utility
kernel gparted/vmlinuz
append initrd=gparted/initrd.img boot=live config components union=overlay username=user noswap noeject ip= vga=788 fetch=tftp://
Write-BuildLog "Checking for vCenter files..."
if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_67\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_67\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\VIM_67\autorun.exe")){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting vCenter 6.7 installer from ISO."
start-process "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -ArgumentList " x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VIM_67\ B:\VIM_67\*.iso" -RedirectStandardOutput C:\ExtractLog.txt -wait
remove-item "B:\VIM_67\*.iso"
Write-BuildLog "vCenter 6.7 found."
$vCenter67 = $true
} else {
$vCenter67 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_65\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_65\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\VIM_65\autorun.exe")){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting vCenter 6.5 installer from ISO."
start-process "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -ArgumentList " x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VIM_65\ B:\VIM_65\*.iso" -RedirectStandardOutput C:\ExtractLog.txt -wait
remove-item "B:\VIM_65\*.iso"
Write-BuildLog "vCenter 6.5 found."
$vCenter65 = $true
} else {
$vCenter65 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_60\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_60\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\VIM_60\autorun.exe")){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting vCenter 6.0 installer from ISO."
start-process "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -ArgumentList " x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VIM_60\ B:\VIM_60\*.iso" -RedirectStandardOutput C:\ExtractLog.txt -wait
remove-item "B:\VIM_60\*.iso"
Write-BuildLog "vCenter 6.0 found."
$vCenter60 = $true
} else {
$vCenter60 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_55\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_55\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\VIM_55\autorun.exe")){
Write-BuildLog "Extracting vCenter 5.5 installer from ISO."
start-process "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -ArgumentList " x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VIM_55\ B:\VIM_55\*.iso" -RedirectStandardOutput C:\ExtractLog.txt -wait
remove-item "B:\VIM_55\*.iso"
Write-BuildLog "vCenter 5.5 found."
$vCenter55 = $true
} else {
$vCenter55 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_51\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_51\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\VIM_51\autorun.exe")) {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting vCenter 5.1 installer from ISO."
start-process "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -ArgumentList " x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VIM_51\ B:\VIM_51\*.iso" -RedirectStandardOutput C:\ExtractLog.txt -wait
remove-item "B:\VIM_51\*.iso"
Write-BuildLog "vCenter 5.1 found."
$vCenter51 = $true
} else {
$vCenter51 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_50\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_50\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\VIM_50\autorun.exe")) {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting vCenter 5.0 installer from ISO."
start-process "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -ArgumentList " x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VIM_50\ B:\VIM_50\*.iso" -RedirectStandardOutput C:\ExtractLog.txt -wait
remove-item "B:\VIM_50\*.iso"
Write-BuildLog "vCenter 5.0 found."
$vCenter50 = $true
} else {
$vCenter50 = $false
if (Test-Path "B:\VIM_41\*") {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_41\*.iso") -and !(Test-Path "B:\VIM_41\autorun.exe")) {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting vCenter 4.1 installer from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VIM_41\ B:\VIM_41\*.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "vCenter 4.1 found."
$vCenter41 = $true
} else {
$vCenter41 = $false
if (!($vCenter41 -or $vCenter50 -or $vCenter51 -or $vCenter55 -or $vCenter60 -or $vCenter65 -or $vCenter67)) {
Write-BuildLog "No vCenter installation files found on Build share."
Write-BuildLog "Is the NAS VM running? If so, make sure the Build share is available and populated."
Write-BuildLog "Restart this machine when Build share is available; build will proceed after restart."
if (!($vCenter67 -and $esxi67)) {
Write-BuildLog "vSphere 6.7 installation requirements not met."
$vSphere67 = $false
} else {
$vSphere67 = $true
if (!($vCenter65 -and $esxi65)) {
Write-BuildLog "vSphere 6.5 installation requirements not met."
$vSphere65 = $false
} else {
$vSphere65 = $true
if (!($vCenter60 -and $esxi60)) {
Write-BuildLog "vSphere 6.0 installation requirements not met."
$vSphere60 = $false
} else {
$vSphere60 = $true
if (!($vCenter55 -and $esxi55)) {
Write-BuildLog "vSphere 5.5 installation requirements not met."
$vSphere55 = $false
} else {
$vSphere55 = $true
if (!($vCenter51 -and $esxi51)) {
Write-BuildLog "vSphere 5.1 installation requirements not met."
$vSphere51 = $false
} else {
$vSphere51 = $true
if (!($vCenter50 -and $esxi50)) {
Write-BuildLog "vSphere 5.0 installation requirements not met."
$vSphere50 = $false
} else {
$vSphere50 = $true
if (!($vCenter41 -and ($esxi41 -or $esx41))) {
Write-BuildLog "vSphere 4.1 installation requirements not met."
$vSphere41 = $false
} else {
$vSphere41 = $true
if (!($vSphere41 -or $vSphere50 -or $vSphere51 -or $vSphere55 -or $vSphere60 -or $vSphere65 -or $vSphere67)) {
Write-BuildLog "Matching vCenter & ESXi distributions not found. Please check the Build share."
$PCLIver = deployPowerCLI
Write-BuildLog "Install, Authorise and configure DHCP"
If ((([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major *10) +[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor) -ge 62) {
$null = Add-WindowsFeature -IncludeManagementTools dhcp
Write-BuildLog "Create DNS Records"
dnscmd localhost /config /UpdateOptions 0x0 >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /config lab.local /allowupdate 1 >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /zoneadd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa /DsPrimary >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /zoneadd 201.168.192.in-addr.arpa /DsPrimary >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /config 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa /allowupdate 1 >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /config 201.168.192.in-addr.arpa /allowupdate 1 >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /resetforwarders /slave >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local GW A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local VC A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local VMA A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local NAS A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local Host1 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local Host2 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local Host3 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local Host4 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local CS1 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local CS2 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local SS A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local v1 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local vbr A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local DC2 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local VC2 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local Host11 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd lab.local Host12 A >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 2 PTR GW.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 5 PTR VC.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 6 PTR VMA.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 7 PTR NAS.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 11 PTR Host1.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 12 PTR Host2.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 13 PTR Host3.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 14 PTR Host4.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 33 PTR cs1.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 34 PTR cs2.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 35 PTR SS.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 36 PTR v1.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 199.168.192.in-addr.arpa 37 PTR vbr.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 201.168.192.in-addr.arpa 4 PTR DC2.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 201.168.192.in-addr.arpa 5 PTR VC2.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 201.168.192.in-addr.arpa 11 PTR Host11.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
dnscmd localhost /RecordAdd 201.168.192.in-addr.arpa 12 PTR Host12.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
If (($KMSIP.Split("."))[0] -ne "0") {
Write-BuildLog "Setting DNS record for external KMS server IP address to $KMSIP according to automate.ini."
dnscmd DC /RecordAdd lab.local _vlmcs._tcp SRV 0 10 1688 $KMSIP >> C:\DNS.log
Write-BuildLog "Setup DHCP scope"
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local set dnscredentials administrator lab.local $AdminPWD
netsh dhcp add server dc.lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local add scope "Lab scope" "Scope for lab.local" >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope add iprange >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope set optionvalue 003 IPADDRESS >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope set optionvalue 005 IPADDRESS >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope set optionvalue 006 IPADDRESS >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope set optionvalue 015 STRING lab.local >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope set optionvalue 066 STRING >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope set optionvalue 067 STRING pxelinux.0 >> C:\DNS.log
netsh dhcp server \\dc.lab.local scope set state 1 >> C:\DNS.log
Write-BuildLog "Checking available SQL Express versions."
$null = New-Item -Path C:\temp -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe") {
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server Install found, not installing"
}Else {
if ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_67\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") -and ((([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major *10) +[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor) -ge 62)) {
$vc67SQL = $true
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2012 Express SP2 for vCenter 6.7 found; installing."
copy B:\VIM_67\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp
Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait
do {
start-sleep 10
} until ((get-process "msiexec" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null)
Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait
regedit -s B:\Automate\DC\SQLTCP.reg
} elseif ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_65\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") -and ((([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major *10) +[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor) -ge 62)) {
$vc65SQL = $true
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2012 Express SP2 for vCenter 6.5 found; installing."
copy B:\VIM_65\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp
Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait
do {
start-sleep 10
} until ((get-process "msiexec" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null)
Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait
regedit -s B:\Automate\DC\SQLTCP.reg
} elseif ((Test-Path "B:\VIM_60\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") -and ((([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major *10) +[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor) -ge 62)) {
$vc6SQL = $true
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2012 Express SP2 for vCenter 6.0 found; installing."
copy B:\VIM_60\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp
Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait
do {
start-sleep 10
} until ((get-process "msiexec" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null)
Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait
regedit -s B:\Automate\DC\SQLTCP.reg
} elseif (Test-Path "B:\VIM_55\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") {
$vc5SQL = $true
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 for vCenter 5.5 found; installing."
copy B:\VIM_55\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp
Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait
do {
start-sleep 10
} until ((get-process "msiexec" -ea SilentlyContinue) -eq $Null)
Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait
regedit -s B:\Automate\DC\SQLTCP.reg
} elseif (Test-Path "B:\VIM_51\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") {
$vc5SQL = $true
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 for vCenter 5.1 found; installing."
copy B:\VIM_51\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp
Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait
Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait
regedit -s B:\Automate\DC\SQLTCP.reg
} elseif (Test-Path "B:\VIM_50\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe") {
$vc5SQL = $true
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 for vCenter 5.0 found; installing."
copy B:\VIM_50\redist\SQLEXPR\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe C:\temp
Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait
Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC\MakeDB.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait
regedit -s B:\Automate\DC\SQLTCP.reg
} elseif (Test-Path "B:\VIM_41\redist\SQLEXPR\x64\SQLEXPR.EXE") {
copy B:\VIM_41\redist\SQLEXPR\x64\SQLEXPR.EXE C:\temp
Write-BuildLog "SQL Server 2005 Express for vCenter 4.1 found; installing."
Start-Process C:\temp\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList $Arguments -Wait
Write-BuildLog "Creating Databases."
Start-Process "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe" -ArgumentList "-S dc\SQLEXPRESS -i B:\Automate\DC\MakeDB41.txt" -RedirectStandardOutput c:\sqllog.txt -Wait; type C:\sqllog.txt | add-content C:\buildlog.txt
regedit -s B:\Automate\DC\SQLTCP.reg
} else {
$vc67SQL = $false
$vc65SQL = $false
$vc6SQL = $false
$vc5SQL = $false
$vc4SQL = $false
Write-BuildLog "No compatible SQL Express installers found. Please verify that all contents of vCenter ISO are copied into the correct folder on the Build share."
Read-Host "Press <ENTER> to exit"
if (Test-Path B:\sqlmsssetup.exe) {
Rename-Item B:\sqlmsssetup.exe SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe
If (((([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major *10) +[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor) -le 61)) {
Write-BuildLog "Doing Windows Server 2008 specific build actions"
if (Test-Path B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe) {
if ( (!(Get-ChildItem B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion -like "10.50.2500*") -and ($vc67SQL -or$vc65SQL -or $vc6SQL -or $vc5SQL -or $vc4SQL)) {
Write-BuildLog "The version of SQL Management Studio on the Build share is incompatible with SQL Server 2008 Express R2 SP1. Please see ReadMe.html on the Build share."
} else {
Write-BuildLog "SQL Management Studio found; installing."
Start-Process B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList "/ACTION=INSTALL /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /FEATURES=Tools /q" -Wait -Verb RunAs
} else { Write-BuildLog "SQL Management Studio not found (optional)."}
Write-BuildLog "Setup IIS on Windows 2008"
Start-Process pkgmgr -ArgumentList '/quiet /l:C:\IIS_Install_Log.txt /iu:IIS-WebServerRole;IIS-WebServer;IIS-CommonHttpFeatures;IIS-StaticContent;IIS-DefaultDocument;IIS-DirectoryBrowsing;IIS-HttpErrors;IIS-HttpRedirect;IIS-ApplicationDevelopment;IIS-ASPNET;IIS-NetFxExtensibility;IIS-ASP;IIS-CGI;IIS-ISAPIExtensions;IIS-ISAPIFilter;IIS-ServerSideIncludes;IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics;IIS-HttpLogging;IIS-LoggingLibraries;IIS-RequestMonitor;IIS-HttpTracing;IIS-CustomLogging;IIS-ODBCLogging;IIS-Security;IIS-BasicAuthentication;IIS-WindowsAuthentication;IIS-DigestAuthentication;IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication;IIS-URLAuthorization;IIS-RequestFiltering;IIS-IPSecurity;IIS-Performance;IIS-HttpCompressionStatic;IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic;IIS-WebServerManagementTools;IIS-ManagementConsole;IIS-ManagementScriptingTools;IIS-ManagementService;IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility;IIS-Metabase;IIS-WMICompatibility;IIS-LegacyScripts;IIS-LegacySnapIn;IIS-FTPPublishingService;IIS-FTPServer;IIS-FTPManagement;WAS-WindowsActivationService;WAS-ProcessModel;WAS-NetFxEnvironment;WAS-ConfigurationAPI' -Wait
Write-BuildLog "Setup Certificate Authority & web enrollment."
if (Test-Path B:\Automate\DC\setupca.vbs) {
copy B:\Automate\DC\setupca.vbs C:\temp
#Cscript C:\temp\setupca.vbs /ie /iw /sn LabCA /sk 4096 /sp "RSA#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" /sa SHA256 >> c:\SetupCA.log
Cscript C:\temp\setupca.vbs /ie /sn LabCA /sk 4096 /sp "RSA#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" /sa SHA256 >> c:\SetupCA.log
If (((([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major *10) +[System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Minor) -ge 62)) {
Write-BuildLog "Doing Windows Server 2012 and 2016 specific build actions"
Write-BuildLog "Disabling autorun of ServerManager at logon."
Start-Process schtasks -ArgumentList ' /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Server Manager\ServerManager" /DISABLE' -Wait -Verb RunAs
Write-BuildLog "Disabling screen saver"
set-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop' -name ScreenSaveActive -value 0
Write-BuildLog "Installing.Net Framework 3.5"
$null = Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core -source D:\Sources\sxs
if (Test-Path B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe) {
if ( (!(Get-ChildItem B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion -like "10.50.2500*") -and ($vc6SQL -or $vc5SQL -or $vc4SQL)) {
Write-BuildLog "The version of SQL Management Studio on the Build share is incompatible with SQL Server 2008 Express R2 SP1. Please see ReadMe.html on the Build share."
} else {
Write-BuildLog "SQL Management Studio found; installing."
Start-Process B:\SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe -ArgumentList "/ACTION=INSTALL /IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS /FEATURES=Tools /q" -Wait -Verb RunAs
} else { Write-BuildLog "SQL Management Studio not found (optional)."}
Write-BuildLog "Setup IIS on Windows 2012 or 2016"
import-module servermanager
If (Test-Path "D:\Sources\sxs\*") {$null = add-windowsfeature web-server -includeallsubfeature -source D:\Sources\sxs}
If (Test-Path "E:\Sources\sxs\*") {$null = add-windowsfeature web-server -includeallsubfeature -source E:\Sources\sxs}
Import-Module WebAdministration
New-WebBinding -Name "Default Web Site" -IP "*" -Port 443 -Protocol https
Write-BuildLog "Setup Certificate Authority & web enrollment."
Import-Module ServerManager
$null = Add-WindowsFeature AD-Certificate, Adcs-Cert-Authority, Adcs-Enroll-Web-Pol, Adcs-Enroll-Web-Svc, Adcs-Web-Enrollment , Adcs-Device-Enrollment , Adcs-Online-Cert -IncludeManagementTools
copy B:\Automate\DC\setupca.vbs C:\temp
Cscript C:\temp\setupca.vbs /is /iw /sn LabCA /sk 4096 /sp "RSA#Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" /sa SHA256 >> c:\SetupCA.log
import-module webadministration
$Thumb = (dir cert:\localmachine\my | where {$_.Subject -eq "CN=LabCA"} | Select Thumbprint).Thumbprint
get-item cert:\localmachine\my\$Thumb | new-item IIS:\SslBindings\!443
certutil -dsaddtemplate b:\automate\DC\VMware-SSL.txt
Write-BuildLog "Make Win32Time authoritative for NTP time."
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config /v AnnounceFlags /t REG_DWORD /d 0x05 /f
w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:pool.ntp.org /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update
Write-BuildLog "Clear System eventlog, erors to here are spurious"
Clear-EventLog -LogName System -confirm:$False
Write-BuildLog "Setup Default web page."
xcopy B:\Automate\DC\WWWRoot\*.* C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ /s /c /y /q
Write-BuildLog "Cleanup and creating Desktop shortcuts."
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Build /f
wscript B:\Automate\DC\Shortcuts.vbs
if (Test-Path B:\Automate\automate.ini) {
$timezone = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "TZ=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(3)
Write-BuildLog "Setting time zone to $timezone according to automate.ini."
tzutil /s "$timezone"
Write-BuildLog "Checking for VMware Tools..."
if (Test-Path -Path "B:\VMTools\setup*") {
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools found."
$vmtools = $true
} else {
if (Test-Path "B:\VMTools\windows.iso") {
Write-BuildLog "Extracting VMware Tools from ISO."
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ B:\VMTools\windows.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
$vmtools = $true
Else {
cd c:\temp
$vcinstall = ((Select-String -SimpleMatch "VCInstall=" -Path "B:\Automate\automate.ini").line).substring(10)
switch ($vcinstall) {
67 {
B:\Automate\_Common\wget.exe -nd http://packages.vmware.com/tools/esx/6.0/windows/VMware-tools-windows-9.10.0-2476743.iso --no-check-certificate -awget.log
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ c:\temp\VMware-tools-windows-9.10.0-2476743.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools V6.0 Downloaded and extracted to build share."
65 {
B:\Automate\_Common\wget.exe -nd http://packages.vmware.com/tools/esx/6.0/windows/VMware-tools-windows-9.10.0-2476743.iso --no-check-certificate -awget.log
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ c:\temp\VMware-tools-windows-9.10.0-2476743.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools V6.0 Downloaded and extracted to build share."
60 {
B:\Automate\_Common\wget.exe -nd http://packages.vmware.com/tools/esx/6.0/windows/VMware-tools-windows-9.10.0-2476743.iso --no-check-certificate -awget.log
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ c:\temp\VMware-tools-windows-9.10.0-2476743.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools V6.0 Downloaded and extracted to build share."
} 55 {
B:\Automate\_Common\wget.exe -nd http://packages.vmware.com/tools/esx/5.5u2/windows/VMware-tools-windows-9.4.10-2068191.iso --no-check-certificate -awget.log
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ c:\temp\VMware-tools-windows-9.4.10-2068191.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools V5.5u2 Downloaded and extracted to build share."
} 51 {
B:\Automate\_Common\wget.exe -nd http://packages.vmware.com/tools/esx/5.1u3/windows/x64/VMware-tools-windows-9.0.15-2323214.iso --no-check-certificate -awget.log
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ c:\temp\VMware-tools-windows-9.0.15-2323214.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools V5.1u3 Downloaded and extracted to build share."
} 50 {
B:\Automate\_Common\wget.exe -nd http://packages.vmware.com/tools/esx/5.0u3/windows/x64/VMware-tools-windows-8.6.11-1310128.iso --no-check-certificate -awget.log
. "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -r -y -aoa -oB:\VMtools\ c:\temp\VMware-tools-windows-8.6.11-1310128.iso >> C:\ExtractLog.txt
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools V5.0u3 Downloaded and extracted to build share."
if (Test-Path -Path "B:\VMTools\setup*") {
Write-BuildLog "VMware Tools found."
$vmtools = $true
if (($vmtools) -and (-Not (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMwareToolboxCmd.exe"))) {
Write-BuildLog "Installing VMware tools, build complete after reboot."
Write-BuildLog "(Re)build vCenter next."
if (([bool]($emailto -as [Net.Mail.MailAddress])) -and ($SmtpServer -ne "none")){
Write-BuildLog "Emailing log"
$mailmessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 25)
$mailmessage.from = "AutoLab<autolab@labguides.com>"
$Summary = "Completed AutoLab VM build.`r`n"
$Summary += "The build of $env:computername has finished, installing VMware Tools and rebooting`r`n"
$Summary += "The build log is attached`r`n"
$mailmessage.Subject = "$env:computername VM build finished"
$mailmessage.Body = $Summary
$attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment("C:\buildlog.txt")
Start-Process B:\VMTools\setup64.exe -ArgumentList '/s /v "/qn"' -verb RunAs -Wait
Start-Sleep -Seconds 300
Read-Host "Press <ENTER> to exit"